Thank You for Your Support
As well as being our landlord at both facilities, the Shire has supported major upgrades to the Hangar including our unisex toilet, the kitchen update, major external maintenance, and the replacement of the roof.
They have been regular supporters through the various community grant programs funding our projects at local schools and community centers.
In 2023 and again in 2024, the Shire supported an initiative to restore unwanted bicycles for charity, involving students from Rye Primary School.
Studio 1 / 4 Merino St, Rosebud 3940 - +61 414 663 357
“Thank You” for your input in the design and creation of kits for our bird boxes of all designs and sizes, microbat boxes and all those great Xmas decorations. All amazing.
“Next time you bite the head off a Freddo frog, cross the Bolte bridge, watch the tennis in Melbourne, stretch a Natural Confectionery Co snake, or see an ad with an ice cream that won’t melt but looks good enough to eat, Studio 57F1 was there helping set the foundations“.
have been a great supporter for all our projects – Sorrento Primary Craft program, RSL memorial crosses, Buddy Benches, “Letters to Father Christmas”, Billy Karts, beach clean boards, planter boxes, hooded plover shelters and of course the odd BBQ.
Some new projects (wicking boxes and picnic tables) on the books and again Bunnings Rosebud is there to help us.
Massive thanks for all the support we have received.
Community Bank Southern Peninsula - valued supporter of our local Men’s Sheds
Our Rye branch has been supporting the PNMSA through the creation of our Mobile Workshop and an upgrade to our kitchen facilities.
In 2024, they became sponsors of the “Comedy by the Bay” event, a fundraiser that raised $3,920 for “Uniforms4U” and “Umbrella Dementia Cafes”.
AMSA was established in 2007 by a collection of Australian independent community-based Men’s Sheds to represent, support and promote the Men’s Shed movement. It was founded on the principle of sharing information between sheds and those communities wishing to establish and operate a Men’s Shed. It acts as a central hub for information exchange.
The AMSA manages the National Shed Development Program through which we have received grants for health & safety and equipment for Shed.
The Victorian Men’s Shed Association first came together as a group of representatives looking to promote the benefits of Men’s Sheds, and to provide a forum for existing and new sheds to share and exchange idea’s on setup and operation. Operating as a not-for-profit incorporated association the VMSA is recognised by Government as the Peak Body representing Men’s Sheds in Victoria.
The VMSA provides the Shed with invaluable support as well as donated goods such as power tools and our defibrillator at the Hangar.
As well as the National Shed Development Program, administered by the AMSA, a number of grant opportunities have been offered to Men’s Sheds.
2 grants have been awarded whereby we have held much needed first aid training for our members.
We have been successful in getting funding from the Stronger Communities Program assisting us with tools and upgrades to our facilities.
The State Government makes a regular commitment to support Men’s Sheds across the state, normally through the VMSA.
We received a significant grant to support Bushfire Relief, supporting the Bird Life Australia initiatives in Gippsland recovery.
PNMSA has received a significant grant from the Department of Transport and Planning towards the extension of the Stringer Reserve facility. This funding has enabled design and build of the extension to commence.
We approached these guys when looking at the plan to purchase our “Mobile Workshop”. A very generous contribution took us well on our way to our goal. The van has been such an asset in supporting our outreach projects.
The largest & most experienced bin hire company servicing the entire Mornington Peninsula. They were there to support the build of the Stringer Reserve facility.
Located in Dromana on the Mornington Peninsula, and for over 50 years, has supplied superior brown and grey granite products to local, state and federal government authority projects as well as to private contractors, retail garden supply outlets and the general public. They were there to support the build of the Stringer Reserve facility.