Activities and Events

For further details of our all activities go the our Special Events page

The PNMSA is always open to new ideas and opportunities.

The co-ordinating member for any activity will set the location and preferred day and time

Member Catchups

Every Thursday from 9:00 am - Sorrento Hangar

Project Teams/Working Bees

Every Tuesday from midday - Stringer Reserve Shed - Contact Rob Koller (0419 317 422)

Card Playing Group

Every Tuesday from 7:30 pm - Sorrento Hangar, Contact Malcolm Barrow (0448 056 506)

Music Group

Every Wednesday 2:30 pm - Sorrento Hangar, Contact Warren Dickins (0419-514-351)

Member and Social Member Connection

Every Friday from 5 pm - Sorrento Hangar

Woodworking Group

Every Monday 9:30 am - Stringer Reserve Shed, Contact Richard Fyffe (0431 091 108)

Car Group

Regular car-related activities. Contact Rob Koller (0419 317 422)

Caravan and Camping Group

Regular camping opportunities. Contact Greg Wilkinson (0421 113 279)

Luncheon and Functions

There is a dedicated team looking after social interaction for members, and often partners, through lunch catchups and organised dinners. Contact Lino Tarquinio (0412 344 152)

The PNMS Social Golf Club

We are starting a social golf group for members and associates.  Contact Ross Carruthers (email at or text 0439 315 969).

This is for full members and social members. It should be terrific fun given the number of men and women in our group who play golf.

This group is being convened by Ross Carruthers and Geoff Meakin. We are proposing to play 9-hole events every second month at different courses in the area.  The first event is proposed to be held at The Cups on 13 March 2025, commencing at approx. 2:00 pm.  The Stableford method of scoring is proposed for those wanting to score.  For those without official handicaps, a reasonable “Club Handicap” will be given.

All golfers are encouraged to indicate their interest in joining the Group, by initially providing their name, telephone, email address and golf club and handicap (if any), to Ross Carruthers. 

Interested golfers will be included in a WhatsApp group for later bookings, notices, etc. The purpose is to enjoy golf and the camaraderie of a day out with friends.

Our Events Calendar

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